In Nexus Chronicles: Unveiling the Truth, join Max on a gripping adventure through a futuristic metropolis. 

Driven by the tragic loss of his sister in a catastrophic accident involving Nexus Dynamics, Max is determined to expose the truth behind the powerful tech company. 

Navigate intricate puzzles, outsmart security systems, and confront adversaries as you uncover hidden secrets and corruption. 

Immerse yourself in a captivating narrative, collecting evidence and challenging the forces that seek to silence you. 

Will you have the skills and determination to help bring justice to Nexus Dynamics? 

Nexus Chronicles: Unveiling the Truth is an immersive point-and-click adventure exploring the consequences of technology and the pursuit of truth in a world ruled by secrecy.


  • Due to time constraints, the game only features the first chapter, where you must solve a couple of puzzles to exit the room. 

How to Play

  • Left click allows you to interact and use objects
  • At the top of the screen is your inventory of items you click
  • Click an inventory item and then the thing you want to use it within the room

After the Jam

I plan to continue to flesh this game out, so please let me know your feedback.



Download 35 MB

Development log


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Hi, just wanted to say in enjoyed your game! Myself only got to a deisgn screen.. Good work

Thanks so much that means a lot I'm quite chuffed with how far I got with just evenings and weekends and looking forward to trying to build more of a gam,e out of it soon, hope your's progress soon too 

Hi there! What is The Brain from Da New Guys doing here as well? He's also as protagonist in  Why is this guy popping up everywhere as of late? Is it some kind of a conspiracy? Do I need to take my pills again?? ðŸ˜¨

hehe I think I need to update my game page this character came with the Adventure Creator Plugin for Unity and was part of the tutorial, which perhaps explains why he is appearing everywhere :)

My plan was to make my own character and he was just a temp one but I simply ran out of time. 

Hope you enjoyed the game I made and thanks for checking it out. 

Ah indeed! A mystery solved. Thank you for clearing that up for me. And good luck with the contest! :)

Having a bit of trouble with the web build, I can’t see the inventory:

Could be worth adding a downloadable build too in case others are seeing the same issue.

Ok, going full-screen fixed it. Still might be worth adding a downloadable version though :)

Thanks for the feedback looks like the PC screen is the players head, too 🤣 I'll update my game page shortly to mention about the glitch, and it's best to run full screen. I'll also check your game out soon :) 

Oh I'll add a downloadable version but not quite sure I'm allowed to yet with the jam. 

Yeah I think that’s a sorting order thing, where the player’s head goes behind the screen.

Pretty sure adding other builds is fine as you’re not changing the game itself (other than bug fixes).


Thanks for reporting the bugs I've just fixed them and uploaded a new build :)