Devlog #3 - Puzzle Design and Inventory Icons

Today's Dev Log will be covering today and yesterday, as I felt a little tired yesterday from a long week at work and late evenings working on the Jam. 

So here's the progress update and learnings: 

Friday -2nd June

I mainly decided I needed a break from Unity and the game story, so decided to do the following

  • I watched a few videos on character drawing 
  • Drew my first set of inventory items (they still need refinding but are perfect right now)

Saturday - 3rd June

When I woke up and looked at my to-do list, I panicked a little as I only ticked off 1/4 of things from yesterday. However, after a strong coffee and evaluating what was left, I decided to re-prioritise.

The morning started by editing my initial chapter story and also updating the first set of puzzles. I decided to make a Puzzle Dependency chart which helped loads.

After this, things flowed very well, and I managed to tick off the following: 

  • Finally added the project to GitHub for backup and version control (phew)
  • Exported the inventory icons and resized them for the game
  • Implemented the Chapter 1 dialogues and interactions with items and things in the room
  • Added the inventory icons you need to pick up
  • Implemented use actions
  • Implemented logic to allow you out of the room once you solve the puzzle.
  • Started work on a PC Screen interaction. When you use the computer, a list of folders will appear, and you can gather information to help you later on in the game. 
  • Added condition dialogue logic, i.e. if you have already opened the safe, it should not say it's locked.

So a pretty impressive day, I would say; the initial game scene is still pencil drawing, and the objects you need to find are in plane sight, but tomorrow's job is to hide them, but I'm pleased the initial puzzle and optional sub-goal works. 

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