Devlog #4 - Progress at last

So it's been a while since I've done a Dev Log. The weekend was pretty nice in the UK, so I spent some time chilling out. 

In terms of progress, the last few days have been hit-and-miss; however, there has been a lot of progress today, and I feel I can get this game done for the Jam :) 

Progress today has been: 

  • I pretty much coloured the entire room (not bad for my first attempt)
  • Learn how to colour-style the game artwork
  • Style design the scene 
  • Configure Missing Walk to markers 
  •  Add Pick-up animations
  • Implement Save State and Remember Items 
  • Added Parallax 2D for the window. 
  • Add Background music
  • Added over 50% of the voice lines 

There's still more to do; tomorrow will be about learning how to animate, as I'm not happy with how the game looks when you open the safe, and to finish drawing some items in the room.

Also, here is a screenshot of the game now, I think also, for this Jam I will end up using the Adventure Creator character but hope to make my own after the Jam. 

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